Monday, December 31, 2007
Have a great New Year!
Hopefully everybody had a wonderful 2007.
This is also a good time to set goals for yourself, and make sure they are ones you will work on. A goal also needs a plan, so that the goal can be accomplished. So tell us some of your goals you have....
We will have to add our family goals once we get them together.. so come back for that.
Also christmas pictures to come in the next few days, so come back for that.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
We are alive
So what are the main items your children want for christmas? Mia wants, in her words "a camera, a barbie, a princess tent, and a sled thing for snow" . And well maylee says "I don't know"... but than everything she sees on TV she wants. So tell us what your kids want!! Or maybe what you have already got them. I am still figuring it all out!
Check back later for more updates on the family!
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Before and After Hair Cuts!
Now for Mia, this isn't her first hair cut so she knew what she was getting. I pretty much just trimmed it so it lays straight and looks nice.
That is all of the hair cuts in the house. Oh and please don't mind the wonderful bath tub and toys in the background on the pictures (which I am sure you didn't see since you were focusing on my girls, right).
Mia sleeping
Thursday, November 1, 2007
New Branch
But it was a little different than I was used to. We meet in a basement of a design building. Even though we weren't setting in a "real" church you felt the spirit and it was great. There a few of 5 year old girls, so Mia fits in pretty well as she will be 5 in feb. But Maylee is the youngest.. so she is the nursery. So she gets to spend alot of time with mom and dad... so if we ever go to a ward with a nursery... she probably won't want to go. But it went smooth and Mia is ready to go back! So anybody that would like to visit one sunday let me know and I will tell you how to get there!!
But don't worry.. it isn't like we won't see anybody. Everybody is always welcome here at the Tarver house. So invite youself if you haven't been invited already!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Vala's Pumpkin
This is the jumping pillow which the girls loved (Mia is the one in pink and if you look far enough you will see Mike holding Maylee's hand (she is in a yellow jacket)
Here is the tractor ride (free with admission). The girls loved this too!
Ok I just typed a whole thing about our trip and than I hit something and it was gone. Not fair... so I will try it again.
We also went on a hay rack ride and also rode the go cart things (you have to pedal them) which they are also free. Most things are free with admission. There are a ton of buildings that have more stuff to do or read about.
The pony and train rides you do have to pay for (I can't remember how much, sorry). But we didn't do them.
We have gone twice and were there 5 hours each time, so if you haven't gone yet get out and go. But be prepared to stay a while. It does cost 10.50 a person over 3 years old. But it was fun both times. (I do want to add we got discounts and stuff both times we went).
This last time we went with my parents (which you do see my dad in the tractor ride with Mia).
Have a safe and happy halloween!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Little bits of stuff
I have also decided to try to sew (learning on my own). And now will be making a tote bag and crayon roll for each of my girls for church. I have made one but it was a learning one and didn't turn out the best. But each of them love it. I will post pictures when I am done, as the first isn't worth picture taking.
I also decided I needed to learn how to crochet. So I made a hat... will have to take a picture of that one. As it turned out nice for the first time. I am going to make another one with better yarn but didn't want to waste good yarn on practice :) So be looking for those too.
So yes... I have been trying to be crafty. I guess when you start realizing you have no money... you start to think what you can do on your own. The girls love it when mommy makes something for them anyway!
Otherwise Halloween is coming up.. which Mia ask everyday if it is Halloween yet. She is ready to go and trick or treat. I don't think she realizes that at truck or treat she will also get candy.
We also visited Vala's pumpkin patch again (have more pictures for that too). Mia got picked to cheer at the pig races and her pig won. So she got a pig nose, you know she would pose with a pig nose on but otherwise she would do her normal and turn as fast as she could when she seen the camera.
For those of you that don't know this, we have also been assigned to start going to the Wahoo Branch. I think it will be a lot of fun but yet way different than what we are used too. Our first sunday will be this sunday. So check back for how it went!
Umm I guess that is all for now. Check back later for pictures!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Have you been Boo'd
I loved the idea.. so I had to do one myself. I did do it a little different but got it done. Here are the pictures:
For mine I baked cookies (since I wanted to get it started and didn't have time to go to the store).
So I boo'd my neighbor (not sure if you are suppose to let them know you did it) but she knows and said she was going to keep it going.
I am always up for little fun games like these... so thought I would share it with you all!!!
have a great friday!!!!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Just some stuff
I don't think I have a ton of people reading this. But it sure is fun to type away! I enjoy going in and reading other people blogs. I guess it is my way of trying to stay in touch. I guess I should just get on the phone... but I don't do that much either (really I don't)
This weekend, we have a wedding and birthday party to go to. So that will be fun. I don't think I will share any pictures until I get a release form from them. If I do, I will try to share some.
Oh Mike has his new student enrollment this friday. So he will be at UNL for the whole day. So hopefully after that he will also have his classes in order! I can't believe he is about to start school, but I am excited for him. Change can be fun, but it also can be stressful. I am hoping the whole part if fun if I get to choose.We are going to Vala's pumpkin patch again... 101.9 had a 1/2 deal last friday and I jump right on that. So on the 20th we are going in the morning. I hope to get better pictures of the girls. I think Mia will let me (I am going to take quarters to bribe her). She think a quart is a ton of money, so it works in my favor.
My new thing... making hair clips. here are some examples of what I did. These are my first ones and the pictures aren't the best but you get the idea.
This is Mia's (she claimed it and won't let her sister wear it)
For the most Mia also claimed this one (she has to approve of it first)
Right now Maylee claimed this one
And this one..
I guess that is about it for now. If you want to know how to make the bows, ask I will send the link I used to make them. Or better yet... here they are:
This first one actually tells you how much ribbon is needed. So that is nice but it only shows you how to make basic bows -
This one has about 6 designs ( I got the clip one from here). It also tells you how much to a point. Both are really good learning tools.
Have fun if you decide to make them!
Monday, October 8, 2007
Ok so I thought I would show you my house... because hopefully sooner than later it will be somebody else's new house. We have lived here for over 5 years. It has been nice. Each of the girls have their own rooms (we will see if they do when we move). At first Mia thought we were selling everything in it too.. so she was disappointed. But once she figured out that she gets to keep her bed and toys she is fine with it all. She is hoping another little girl moves into her room because it is purple. But she will also live if not. We are excited for the changes that are happening in our lives. We know we will struggle but that is ok as long as we are happy!
Anything else anybody else wants to add.. go right ahead!
Friday, October 5, 2007
Fun Friday
Or maybe better yet, anybody want my kids next friday? maybe I could go and find something fun to do :) I really think it is fun though for the girls to have somebody over in their enviroment and play. I finishes off the week that is for sure!
Everybody have a wonderful weekend!!
I am off to go to a bridal shower tonight. I am helping with the games... want to know which ones.. ok I will tell you.
First off I am going to quiz the bride and ask questions about the groom (this is mostly for fun but you can do prizes, have everybody else guess how many the bride will get right and the closes wins). Obviously you call the groom and ask him the questions.
The questions: You can always add or take away to make it more fun for the person
1. What was his favorite pet?
2. What is his favorite meal?
3. what is his favorite dessert?
4. When he was little did he suck his thumb?
5. What his is favorite music group?
6. At what point did he tell his mom about the bride?
7. Has he ever bounced a check?
8. What would he say is the brides favorite flower?
9. Does he snore?
10. In high school what was his favorite hang out location?
11. Does he want your first child to be a boy or girl?
12. Does he squeeze the toothpaste form the bottom or middle?
13. Does he put the toliet seat down?
14. Has he ever kept a journal? if so anything fun from the past
15. How many contacts are on his cell phone?
16. If he could go on vacation where would he go?
17. If the groom was a superhero, who would he be?
18. Where did the bride and groom go on their first date?
19. What animal would the groom compare the bride too?
20. What is his favorite color?
21. What is his favorite number?
yes it is fun to have an odd number!
and the second game is a matching game.. you make the match and you get the candy bar that goes with it. I made two of each of the cards with the saying and then they get the candybar that goes with it. Here are the ones I am doing... but you can always get creative and add more.
Butterfingers = First Date Interactions
Hugs= Warm Embraces
Pay Day= Wedding Ring Purchase Date
Twix= Bachelor party Pranks
Mounds= gifts
Hot Tamales= Bride
Big Hunk= The Groom
Sweet Tarts= bride and groom
Nerds= in-laws
lifesavers= the parents
sugar daddy= father of the bride
100 grand- reception
kisses= what reception guests clink glasses for
fast break= leaving the reception
skor= honeymoon night
baby ruth= 9 months after the honeymoon
zero= post-wedding bank accounts
rocky road= the first year
That is it for that! Enjoy... and like games they can be used for baby showers too. If you are interested in the candy bar matching for baby showers... let me know I have that too.
Once again have a great weekend!
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Monday, October 1, 2007
Here is little M, she is so funny. I was taking pictures of my nephew and niece for halloween cards. She decided she needed a picture too.. so I told the other kids to hold on and hurried and took the picture... thanks little M you are too cute!
She loved putting her head in these things... this was my favorite of her!
And then they wanted to feed the goats... but decided they were afraid! Like how they are feeding them. And the last picture is of some pigs.. the pig races were so fun!
I hope you had fun reading about their day. We were there at 5pm and left after 10 when they closed. The girls mostly hung out with their dad, which was great for all three of them.
Happy October everybody!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Happy Friday
It seems that the weekend goes by way to fast.
Enjoy every extra minute with your families!!!!
(I hope to have some pictures to post soon... so check back... we will be visiting the pumpkin patch tomorrow)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Digital Scapbooking
I haven't started anything... but hopefully in the next few weeks I will be able to show some things. So if you don't check this out often... come back the end of October and hopefully there will be something to show you (who knows I might even get one done faster.. we shall see).
On top of that... questions:
Do you scrapbook? If so.. I so need help on where to start! I have photoshop... I can take pictures... now it is just getting them on a page.
Also right now I don't really have any money to spend... so any tips there would be great!
Oh... my grandpa is doing well! I should call him and see if he needs anything. And yes it was his lower back that worked on.
Thanks Marcia
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Although I really like it... it isn't my children. So we will have to make another trip or share some from a different time.
After the zoo we decided to go and see if we could find any costumes. And sure enough we did find something... for Maylee anyway. She is going to be a doctor, she picked it out herself. And Mia has decided on yet another thing.. a butterfly. Now off to find butterfly wings (I did hear some wonderful people at church say they have some... so I guess shopping to there house we go).
Later on Lona and I ended up at the church to play volleyball. I really need to space out my exercise throughout the week. Doing it all in one day totally wears me out! So my goal is to get more exercise in!
Enjoy my zoo picture! Now off to go to the hospital to see my grandpa who had surgery today. He said it should be an in and out thing but we will see when i get there. (if my brain is working correctly he has to do with his back- so GET WELL SOON GRANDPA!)