Thursday, September 18, 2008

Finally pictures- Baby @ 12 weeks & Mia's first day of school

I know school started on August 20th but bettter late then never!
Here is Mia at her first day of school... she was way excited and still is. Except she caught the stupid nasty cold and wasn't at school yesterday or today. I think she is finally getting her voice back :)

Now here are the pictures of the little person growing inside me... hopefully by next month we will know the gender! Yes I took this pictures of a picture my scanner is being retarded!! All but the last one is in 4D... way to fun for the girls to see. This little person was moving like crazy the day we did this... so when you ask Maylee about the baby she will move her arms like crazy and tell you that is how the baby does it.

1st- back view of the baby- looking more head down
2nd- side view
3rd- back view again
4th- regular ultra sound picture- measuring the baby


Lacy said...

Oh my goodness I didn't know you were pregnant! How exciting!! I bet the girls can't wait to find out where it is a boy or girl. Congratulations!!

katielovie said...


Tracy said...

Congratulations and best wishes!